Guilford and Forsyth officials approved a new boundary between the two counties that will help each government better determine who pays what property tax near their borders.

The line was previously established in 1964. Over the decades, it became murky due to physical markers shifting. GPS technology also complicated identifying a boundary.

That left the governments of both counties unsure about who to collect taxes from. Around 200 properties were at stake.

After the state surveyed the line, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners on Thursday unanimously approved a new boundary.

Tax Director Ben Chavis said Guilford County gained about 64 acres due to the change.

"It's not about a matter of winning or losing," he said. "We simply want to find out where the line is so the future generations don't have to deal with this periodically, as we have to do, when someone is building on the county line, or somebody responding to emergency fire or whatever, elections and so forth."

The Forsyth County Board of Commissioners approved the boundary earlier this month.

The North Carolina Department of Public Safety is expected to notify those impacted by the change. Both counties will also send a joint letter to the homes involved.

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