A drug taken by millions of people to control diabetes may do more than lower blood sugar.
Research suggests metformin has anti-inflammatory effects that could help protect against common age-related diseases including heart disease, cancer, and cognitive decline.
Scientists who study the biology of aging have designed a clinical study, known as The TAME Trial, to test whether metformin can help prevent these diseases and promote a longer healthspan in healthy, older adults.
Michael Cantor, an attorney, and his wife Shari Cantor, the mayor of West Hartford, Connecticut both take metformin. "I tell all my friends about it," Michael Cantor says. "We all want to live a little longer, high-quality life if we can," he says.
Michael Cantor started on metformin about a decade ago when his weight and blood sugar were creeping up. Shari Cantor began taking metformin during the pandemic after she read that it may help protect against serious infections.

The Cantors are in their mid-60s and both say they feel healthy and have lots of energy. Both noticed improvements in their digestive systems – feeling more "regular" after they started on the drug,
Metformin costs less than a dollar a day, and depending on insurance, many people pay no out-of-pocket costs for the drug.
"I don't know if metformin increases lifespan in people, but the evidence that exists suggests that it very well might," says Steven Austad, a senior scientific advisor at the American Federation for Aging Research who studies the biology of aging.
An old drug with surprising benefits
Metformin was first used to treat diabetes in the 1950s in France. The drug is a derivative of guanidine, a compound found in Goat's Rue, an herbal medicine long used in Europe.
The FDA approved metformin for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in the U.S. in the 1990s. Since then, researchers have documented several surprises, including a reduced risk of cancer. "That was a bit of a shock," Austad says. A meta-analysis that included data from dozens of studies, found people who took metformin had a lower risk of several types of cancers, including gastrointestinal, urologic and blood cancers.
Austad also points to a British study that found a lower risk of dementia and mild cognitive decline among people with type 2 diabetes taking metformin. In addition, there's research pointing to improved cardiovascular outcomes in people who take metformin including a reduced risk of cardiovascular death.
As promising as this sounds, Austad says most of the evidence is observational, pointing only to an association between metformin and the reduced risk. The evidence stops short of proving cause and effect. Also, it's unknown if the benefits documented in people with diabetes will also reduce the risk of age-related diseases in healthy, older adults.
"That's what we need to figure out," says Steve Kritchevsky, a professor of gerontology at Wake Forest School of Medicine, who is a lead investigator for the Tame Trial.
The goal is to better understand the mechanisms and pathways by which metformin works in the body. For instance, researchers are looking at how the drug may help improve energy in the cells by stimulating autophagy, which is the process of clearing out or recycling damaged bits inside cells.
Researchers also want to know more about how metformin can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which may slow biological aging.
"When there's an excess of oxidative stress, it will damage the cell. And that accumulation of damage is essentially what aging is," Kritchevsky explains.
When the forces that are damaging cells are running faster than the forces that are repairing or replacing cells, that's aging, Kritchevsky says. And it's possible that drugs like metformin could slow this process down.
By targeting the biology of aging, the hope is to prevent or delay multiple diseases, says Dr. Nir Barzilai of Albert Einstein College of Medicine, who leads the effort to get the trial started.
The ultimate in preventative medicine
Back in 2015, Austad and a bunch of aging researchers began pushing for a clinical trial.
"A bunch of us went to the FDA to ask them to approve a trial for metformin,' Austad recalls, and the agency was receptive. "If you could help prevent multiple problems at the same time, like we think metformin may do, then that's almost the ultimate in preventative medicine," Austad says.
The aim is to enroll 3,000 people between the ages of 65 and 79 for a six-year trial. But Dr. Barzilai says it's been slow going to get it funded. "The main obstacle with funding this study is that metformin is a generic drug, so no pharmaceutical company is standing to make money," he says.
Barzilai has turned to philanthropists and foundations, and has some pledges. The National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health, set aside about $5 million for the research, but that's not enough to pay for the study which is estimated to cost between $45 and $70 million.
The frustration over the lack of funding is that if the trial points to protective effects, millions of people could benefit. "It's something that everybody will be able to afford," Barzilai says.
Currently the FDA doesn't recognize aging as a disease to treat, but the researchers hope this would usher in a paradigm shift — from treating each age-related medical condition separately, to treating these conditions together, by targeting aging itself.
For now, metformin is only approved to treat type 2 diabetes in the U.S., but doctors can prescribe it off-label for conditions other than its approved use.
Michael and Shari Cantor's doctors were comfortable prescribing it to them, given the drug's long history of safety and the possible benefits in delaying age-related disease.
"I walk a lot, I hike, and at 65 I have a lot of energy," Michael Cantor says. I feel like the metformin helps," he says. He and Shari say they have not experienced any negative side effects.
Research shows a small percentage of people who take metformin experience GI distress that makes the drug intolerable. And, some people develop a b12 vitamin deficiency. One study found people over the age of 65 who take metformin may have a harder time building new muscle.
"There's some evidence that people who exercise who are on metformin have less gain in muscle mass, says Dr. Eric Verdin, President of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging. That could be a concern for people who are under-muscled.
But Verdin says it may be possible to repurpose metformin in other ways "There are a number of companies that are exploring metformin in combination with other drugs," he says. He points to research underway to combine metformin with a drug called galantamine for the treatment of sarcopenia, which is the medical term for age-related muscle loss. Sarcopenia affects millions of older people, especially women.
The science of testing drugs to target aging is rapidly advancing, and metformin isn't the only medicine that may treat the underlying biology.
"Nobody thinks this is the be all and end all of drugs that target aging," Austad says. He says data from the clinical trial could stimulate investment by the big pharmaceutical companies in this area. "They may come up with much better drugs," he says.
Michael Cantor knows there's no guarantee with metformin. "Maybe it doesn't do what we think it does in terms of longevity, but it's certainly not going to do me any harm," he says.
Cantor's father had his first heart attack at 51. He says he wants to do all he can to prevent disease and live a healthy life, and he thinks Metformin is one tool that may help.
For now, Dr. Barzilai says the metformin clinical trial can get underway when the money comes in.
This story was edited by Jane Greenhalgh
A drug that is widely used to treat diabetes is being studied for its potential to slow down biological aging. As part of our series How To Thrive As You Age, NPR's Allison Aubrey reports on a study that aims to determine whether an inexpensive, generic drug can help protect against other conditions from cancer to heart disease to dementia.
ALLISON AUBREY, BYLINE: Michael Cantor is a 65-year-old patent attorney who lives in West Hartford, Conn. And when he thinks about his family medical history, he gets a little anxious.
MICHAEL CANTOR: My father had a heart attack - his first heart attack at age 51, and he passed away at age 68. So I certainly have heart disease in my family.
AUBREY: He wants to prevent this, but about a decade ago, his weight and his blood sugar were headed in the wrong direction. So he started taking a drug called metformin. The drug was first used in France in the 1950s to help control blood sugar, and in recent years, there's growing evidence that it may do much more.
CANTOR: I tell all my friends about it. Many of our friends, including my siblings, have asked their own doctors to put them on it. You know, 'cause we all want to live a little longer life and, you know, high quality of life if we can.
AUBREY: So can taking metformin promote a longer life? I reached out to Steven Austad, a senior scientific advisor at the American Federation for Aging Research. He's a biogerontologist who studies the biology of aging.
STEVEN AUSTAD: I don't know if metformin increases lifespan in people, but I'd certainly like to find out because the evidence that exists suggests that it very well might.
AUBREY: The drug is a derivative of guanidine, a compound found in an herbal medicine called goat's rue. Since the FDA approved it back in the 1990s, millions of people have taken metformin, and researchers have documented some surprising findings.
AUSTAD: Gradually, people became aware, oh, not only is this controlling their diabetes, but it looks like these people are getting less cancer. And that was sort of a shock. And then it turns out that people on metformin were getting less dementia. So it's very rare that you get dozens of studies that all point in the same direction.
AUBREY: As promising as this sounds, most of the evidence is observational. These studies suggest that people who take metformin for diabetes may also reduce their risks of cancer and cognitive decline. Now, researchers want to know whether the drug can do the same in healthy people. Austad says it's possible.
AUSTAD: Metformin is well known to reduce inflammation, and inflammation is one of those processes that cuts across diseases. It's involved in heart disease. It's involved in dementia. It's involved in cancer. It's involved in virtually all of the things that we know go wrong with aging.
AUBREY: In 2015, Austad and a bunch of aging researchers began pushing for a clinical trial to study this.
AUSTAD: A bunch of us went to the FDA to ask them to approve a trial for metformin for preventing a variety of diseases or delaying a variety of diseases. If you could prevent multiple problems at the same time, like we think metformin may do, then that's almost the ultimate in preventative medicine.
AUBREY: The agency was receptive, he says, and the researchers designed to study. The aim is to enroll 3,000 people between the ages of 65 and 79 for a six-year trial. Dr. Nir Barzilai of Albert Einstein College of Medicine leads the fundraising efforts to get it off the ground but it's been slow going.
NIR BARZILAI: The main obstacle with funding this study is that metformin is a generic drug, so no pharmaceuticals is tending to make money out of that. And that's why we didn't have the support we could have had.
AUBREY: So he's turned to philanthropists and foundations. The National Institutes of Health set aside about $5 million for the research, but that's not enough to pay for the trial, which is estimated to cost between 45 and $70 million. Barzilai says a lot of people could benefit if the trial points to success.
BARZILAI: There would be many people that can be using the drug immediately, and it's something that everybody will be able to afford.
AUBREY: The FDA does not recognize aging as a disease to treat, but the hope is that this would usher in a paradigm shift away from treating each age-related medical conditions separately to treating these conditions together by targeting aging itself. For now, metformin is indicated just for the treatment of type-two diabetes. But Michael and his wife, Shari Cantor, found their doctors were comfortable prescribing it to them off label. Given the drug's long history of safety and the possibility it may help delay age-related diseases, both say they feel very healthy.
CANTOR: I walk a lot. I hike, you know, at 65, I have a lot of energy, and I feel like the metformin helps that.
AUBREY: Though metformin has been shown to be very safe, all drugs have some side effects. A small percentage of people who take metformin experience an upset stomach or GI troubles that make the drug intolerable, and some people develop a B12 deficiency. Dr. Eric Verdin of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging points to a study that those over 65 who take metformin may have a harder time building new muscle.
ERIC VERDIN: There's some evidence that people who exercise who are on metformin have less gain in muscle mass, which we know, you know, is a good predictor against aging.
AUBREY: But he says it may be possible to repurpose metformin in other ways.
VERDIN: There are a number of companies that are exploring metformin in combination with other drugs that might be able to promote healthy longevity.
AUBREY: He points to research underway to combine metformin with a drug called galantamine for the treatment of sarcopenia, which is a medical term for age-related muscle loss, a condition that affects millions of older women. For now, Dr. Barzilai says the metformin clinical trial can get underway when the money comes in, and he continues to fundraise.
Allison Aubrey, NPR News. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
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