One Winston-Salem officials says there's still a lot of work to be done. And he says he's the man for the job. Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines is seeking a fourth term. 

Tuesday on the steps of City Hall he announced his candidacy, emphasizing how the local economy is getting stronger with the addition of Caterpillar, NS Aviation and Herbalife. Now Mayor Joines says under his continued leadership, Winston-Salem will improve in other critical areas. 
“We've got unacceptable levels of poverty in some parts of our city. We've got to address the whole issue of public transportation. Our bus system is losing money but it's so important to provide that service because so many of our citizens rely on that. And making sure that all of these road projects approved by the state, about $400 million worth are scheduled to get underway in the next two to three years, happen.”
In 2005 and in 2009 Mayor Joines ran unopposed. But last October, Gardenia Henley submitted a statement of organization with the Forsyth County Board of Election. On the form she indicates running for the office of Winston-Salem Mayor. Both Mayor Joines and Henley are Democrats. 

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