
Head Of Florida's Senate Fights To Protect The Everglades

Environmental groups working to restore the Everglades have a powerful Republican ally. The head of Florida's Senate, Joe Negron, is pushing for a billion dollar land purchase to protect the Everglades — and his home district — from toxic algae.

Southern Poverty Law Center Records Rise In U.S. Hate Groups

A new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center says the number of hate groups in the U.S. increased for a second year in a row with a growing number of right wing extremists operating in cyberspace. The most dramatic change in the organization's annual count was an expanding number of anti-Muslim hate groups.

DACA Recipient Detained By U.S. Immigration Authorities

NPR's Kelly McEvers talks with Mark Rosenbaum of the pro-bono law firm Public Counsel about the detention of a 23-year-old immigrant living in Washington state, who is registered with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Immigration and Customs Enforcement described Daniel Ramirez Medina as a gang member and a risk to public safety. His attorneys say he has denied being part of a gang, and that he was pressured by ICE to admit affiliation.