
Where Are All Of Wyomings Escalators?

There is a reported paucity of moving staircases in the Cowboy State. And that shortcoming has been posited as a argument for Wyoming to have fewer than its allotted pair of Senators. Audie Cornish and Melissa Block turn to the self-proclaimed escalator editor of the Casper Star-Tribune, Jeremy Fugleberg.

Furloughs Cut Into Classtime At U.S. Military Bases

Civilian furloughs have begun at U.S. military installations worldwide. The mandatory days off without pay, prompted by the current round of budget cuts known as sequestration, are looming over Defense Department-run schools that serve the children of military families. For teachers at the nation's most populous Army base, Fort Bragg, cuts mean no new textbooks and a loss of school days.

A Trial Made For Prime Time

The trial of George Zimmerman has not only made news; it has also made for must-see TV. These days, cameras inside the courtroom routinely make stars out judges, lawyers and witnesses. But is that a good thing? Host Jacki Lyden talks to the lead prosecutor in the O.J. Simpson trial, Marcia Clark, about cameras in the courtroom.