Doc Watson
Bonnie Raitt to headline 2025 MerleFest
With Boone mural completed, artist Scott Nurkin turns his attention to 9th Wonder
An artist who commemorates North Carolina’s musical heritage has just completed a mural of Doc and Merle Watson in Boone.
MerleFest to celebrate two milestones in 2023 with 'traditional plus' music
MerleFest organizers have announced their schedule for this year’s festival in Wilkes County with music
Across the Blue Ridge #149 - Betse & Clarke, Old-Time Musicians From the Ozarks
This week we hear the stories of Betse Ellis and Clarke Wyatt, who came from the worlds of classical, rock
Across the Blue Ridge #143 - Impact of Doc Watson
Arthel Lane “Doc” Watson (1923-2012) was a North Carolina mountain musician who made a global impact, playing fully traditional music, rockabilly, blues, jazz and other styles with grace and warmth
Across the Blue Ridge #122 - Women In Old-Time Music, Part 2
We conclude our two-part Blue Ridge Music Trails feature on women in old-time music with more of Alice Gerrard's presentation at the Earle Theater in Mount Airy, NC – and more great music.
Across the Blue Ridge #111 - Fiddle Tunes,Tracing an Old Song, and Classic Brother Duets
This week, we feature some classic Blue Ridge old time fiddle tunes and songs, from fiddlers Kyle Creed, Fred Cockerham, Tim Smith, and Tommy Jarrell. That's just the start. In the cent
Across the Blue Ridge #73- Mountains of Music Homecoming and country classics
The Mountains of Music Homecoming is just around the bend. The movable feast of roots music takes place in communities around southwestern Virginia June 9-17.
Across the Blue Ridge #69- Merlefest at 30
A festival that started small at Wilkes Community College in North Carolina has become one of the most enthusiastically supported roots music events in the U.S. Merlefest began in 1988 as an