With North Carolina’s Medicaid expansion set to begin in December, efforts are already underway at the state and local levels to connect newly eligible individuals to the resources that will soon be available to them. Among them are upcoming town hall meetings in the Triad aimed at spreading the word. The statewide expansion will impact roughly 600,000 people who will be eligible for full coverage. Thousands of them call the Piedmont home.

The Medicaid Expansion Town Halls are being organized by Forsyth County Health and Human Services. There will be five events in Winston-Salem and surrounding areas including Lewisville and Walkertown. They’ll be led by Forsyth County Medicaid Services Division Director Marissa Adams. 

Adams will provide information about applying for coverage, and break down eligibility requirements — like the fact that expansion will be made available to people between the ages of 19 and 64 who meet the income and citizenship criteria that didn’t previously qualify. Current beneficiaries already covered fully by Medicaid will not see changes to their coverage.  

The first Town Hall is slated for Tuesday, October 24 in the Walkertown Library. The events are open to the public, and no registration is required.

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