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Weekdays from 4-6:00pm

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Journalist Robert Cox Recalls Work During Argentina's Dirty War

President Obama paid tribute to the Argentines who suffered and died during the "Dirty War" starting in the 1970s. Among those he singled out for praise Thursday was journalist Robert Cox, then editor of the Buenos Aires Herald, who helped to reveal the disappearances, torture, and murder of leftists and others under the military junta. NPR's Robert Siegel talks with Cox about his work during that period.

U.S. Defense Secretary Says Top ISIS Leader Has Been Killed

American special operations troops have killed a top ISIS leader, the Pentagon says. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Friday Haji Iman was just one in a number of leaders who have been killed by American raids or airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. Administration leaders are keen to show the U.S. is leaning forward in its war on ISIS following this week's deadly attacks in Brussels.