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Weekdays from 4-6:00pm

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Conservative Blogger Criticizes GOP Response To Trump's Lewd Comments

NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Marybeth Glenn, a conservative editor and blogger at, about where the GOP party stands for conservative women. After tape was released of Donald Trump making misogynistic and lewd comments about women, Glenn feels increasingly betrayed by GOP lawmakers she's supported but who have sat out from charging Trump with sexism.

Beneath Strong Support For Clinton, Emotions Run Deep Among Black Voters

If you only looked at the polls, you would think deciphering the black vote this election is pretty simple: those who vote will mostly vote for Hillary Clinton. But beneath that lopsided support are some pretty deep emotions: a dissatisfaction with both candidates, a nostalgia for the national unity that seemed to exist when Obama first won the presidency, and disgust at the tone and tenor of this presidential campaign.