
Carolina Curious: Why does NC have 100 counties?

Since North Carolina was founded, the boundaries, borders, and even the names of the state's counties have changed at times. But what about the number of counties? A WFDD listener recently asked: Why does the state have 100? In the latest installment of Carolina Curious, WFDD's DJ Simmons looks into how this figure came to be, and if it's possible for it to change.

Echoes of a Coup

In November, 1898, an armed white supremacist mob – supported by most white elites in North Carolina – murdered untold Black Wilmington residents and drove the city’s elected Fusionist government f

GSO City Council hears proposal from management company regarding the Greensboro Coliseum Complex

Oak View Group has emerged as a candidate to manage the Greensboro Coliseum Complex.  The private company recently presented its financial proposal and transition plan to the City Council. The Greensboro Coliseum Complex encompasses 10 venues including the Steven Tanger Center for the Performing Arts. Last year, the city started accepting proposals to transition to new leadership.