Mark Harris
As NC-9 Filing Begins, State Issues FAQ On Ongoing Investigation
Candidates have started lining up in the race for North Carolina's Ninth District Congressional seat after November's results were thrown out amid fraud accusations.
McConnell Falsely Suggests GOP Forecast The Type Of Election Fraud Found In NC
Republican leader Mitch McConnell recently used North Carolina's election fraud case as an opportunity to shame Democrats for overlooking the existence of fraud in elections.
Dates Scheduled For NC-9 Special Congressional Election
North Carolina officials set a Sept. 10 date for a new election for the nation's last unresolved congressional race after the November results were thrown out over concerns of ballot tampering.
McCrory Says He Won't Run For Vacant Seat In 9th District
Former Governor Pat McCrory says he won't run for the still-vacant seat in North Carolina's 9th Congressional District. Several other Republicans are sizing up their chances in the new election.
New Election Called In North Carolina House Race
GOP Candidate's Son Says He Warned Of Potential Illegal Activity In N.C. Election
N. Carolina Elections Board Calls Challenged House Candidate
The Republican holding a slim lead in the country's last undecided congressional election is expected to explain why he stuck with a North Carolina political operative with a shady track record that even the GOP candidate thought about protesting in the past.