The German crime fiction series, based on novels of the same name, depicts former Chancellor Angela Merkel as an Agatha Christie-style small-town detective who solves crimes out of sheer boredom.
Ahead of Sunday's vote, senior women in Germany's east are reaching out to supporters of the far-right Alternative for Germany to try to change minds. They say they receive some support — and abuse.
German police said that a 26-year-old man claimed to be behind the deadly Solingen knife attack that left three dead and eight wounded at a festival marking the city’s 650th anniversary.
The Islamic State militant group claimed responsibility for the knife attack in Solingen, Germany, that killed three people and wounded eight others at a crowded festival.
Four weeks of chanting and shouting on the streets were not expressions of anger about politics — but the sound of joy and excitement about the European Championship soccer tournament.
Results indicate a surge of support for parties that are far to the right of the political spectrum. However, the largest political groupings in the next parliament will continue to be in the center.
Four out of five companies in Europe's largest economy continue to use fax machines. But Germany's parliament has until the end of June to stop relying on the antiquated communication technology.
Nicaragua brought the case arguing that by providing arms to Israel, Germany is failing to prevent possible genocide against Palestinians in Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza.