Special educators are more likely to experience violence or aggression from students. That can make hiring a challenge, at a time when schools nationwide are struggling to fill these positions.
An Indiana man's family sued a state-owned nursing home for alleged mistreatment. A U.S. Supreme Court decision in the case could determine the right of many Americans to sue government agencies.
Supplemental Security Income, a federal program meant to be a financial floor for people unable to work, hasn't kept pace with inflation. Many recipients are homeless, unable to save for an apartment.
When it comes to disability, a lot of ableist language and tropes are perpetuated by the media. Here's what experts have to say about how to talk about disability.
China has dominated the medal count at the last five Paralympic Games. That's in stark contrast with the low level of disability access in Chinese society.
Having to come up with $1,000 unexpectedly can be a challenge for anyone. NPR's recent poll on rural health found that especially true for one group: people with disabilities.
The nation's disability rolls swelled during the Great Recession. But more disabled people are now finding work, and employers are more willing to make allowances, thanks to the tight job market.
A window display at the shop in Portishead, England, went viral on social media for featuring a mannequin wearing a wedding dress while in a wheelchair.