Legal Aid of North Carolina has been honored with a Telly Award for its documentary on domestic violence. The award recognizes excellence in video, TV and streaming platforms. 

Beyond Fear covers the life and death struggles of three domestic violence survivors who were supported by the statewide, nonprofit law firm. The organization provides free legal services in civil matters to those who can’t afford an attorney, often helping victims obtain a protective order keeping the abuser away.

Chief Communications Officer Helen Hobson produced the film. She says she hopes that sharing these personal stories helps people better understand the realities of domestic violence. She says it can happen to anyone, and that leaving a relationship is not as easy as some people think. 

"We hear all the time with our clients how they tried to leave so many times and couldn’t find someone to help, had nowhere to go. And especially with our clients – they’re at or below the federal poverty line," says Hobson. "If you have the means and the money you could stay in a hotel, but a lot of these people if they left, they would be homeless."

Hobson says these situations are further complicated when children are involved, forcing victims of abuse to decide whether or not to separate the family. She adds there’s another common obstacle: disbelief on the part of authorities that the abuse actually took place.

The film can currently be viewed on YouTube

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