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Morning Edition

Weekdays 5:00-9:00am

6:51: Marketplace Morning Report
8:51: Marketplace Morning Report

Waking up is hard to do, but it's easier with NPR's Morning Edition. Hosts Renee Montagne, Steve Inskeep, and David Greene bring the day's stories and news to radio listeners on the go. Morning Edition provides news in context, airs thoughtful ideas and commentary, and reviews important new music, books, and events in the arts. All with voices and sounds that invite listeners to experience the stories.

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Blind Dog Returned To Alaska Family

The dog wandered away from home during a big snowstorm last week. The family feared they'd never see their pet again, since she was lost as temperatures fell to 40 below zero. The local newspaper reports the dog's nose led her to the home of a vet, who posted her picture on Facebook.

Santa Amazes Deaf Boy's Mother

At a store near Boston, Cameron Sylvester, 3, had his chance to meet Santa. But the boy, who's legally deaf, stayed back. Santa saw his hearing aids and in sign language asked the magic question: "Are you a good boy?" Cameron's mother told WCBV news she wanted to cry. "A lot of people don't know sign language," she said, but then, "there's Santa."