A review of The Salesman, an Iranian film about a couple whose home life becomes unsettled while they're starring together in a production of Death of a Salesman.
A new book by Joshua Kurlantzick examines how the U.S. involvement in Laos in the 1960s and 1970s transformed the CIA from an intelligence-gathering organization into a war-fighting one.
A brutal law enforcement crackdown has led to the extrajudicial killings of thousands of suspected drug users and dealers. President Rodrigo Duterte was elected after vowing a "bloody war" on drugs.
An enterprise-minded ecologist from England is helping endangered brown-headed spider monkeys in Ecuador by connecting their preservation to high-end chocolate.
Donald Trump "should not be invited to make an official State Visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen," the petition states. Trump already accepted an invitation to visit.
An attack on a mosque in Quebec City Sunday killed at least 6 people after gunmen opened fire during evening prayers. Steve Inskeep talks to Kelly Greig, of the Canadian TV channel Global News.
People in many countries rejected the ban on refugees and restrictions on citizens of 7 Muslim-majority countries. The measures added to growing frustration and concern with the new U.S. president.
An Iraqi family that emigrated to Michigan expected to be reunited. But then the father was detained in Philadelphia after a travel ban for people from seven, primarily Muslim countries, was ordered.
A U.S. serviceman was killed in the raid that also killed some 14 al-Qaida terrorists. News of the raid followed orders from the White House, including one that changed the National Security Council.
NPR's Kirk Siegler reports from Los Angeles International Airport where protesters have gathered to speak out against President Trump's immigration suspension.