TV Reviews

'Legion' Ends Its Three-Season-Long Strange Trip

FX's surreal, gorgeous, not-quite-a-superhero-show concluded with neither a bang nor a whimper, but instead with time travel, Pink Floyd, forgiveness and an outpouring of empathy.

The New '90210'

'90s teen TV soap Beverly Hills, 90210 is back. Only it's not exactly a reboot. The cast plays themselves as aging former TV stars in a behind-the-scenes meta look at a 90210 reboot.

The Old Gang Is Back Together In 'BH90210,' Sort Of

There's certainly no need to revisit the characters from Beverly Hills, 90210. So to fill what they hope is an appetite for nostalgia, the stars are playing themselves in a showbiz story.

'Jane The Virgin' Ends On A High Note

It's hard to end a show as beloved as Jane The Virgin, but the Wednesday night finale was funny, sad, silly and ultimately hopeful.