Strange News

Fear Of Clowns: Yes, It's Real

Clowns are terrifying — that's pretty much a given. Even children, to whom they're supposed to appeal, are said to dislike them instinctively. Writer Linda McRobbie says darkness has always been a part of clowning.

Bland Meets Dull In Scotland

The village of Dull, Scotland, has just been visited by a delegation from Bland Shire, Australia. It wanted to get in on a bit of the publicity generated last year when Scotland's Dull established links with Boring, Ore. Bland Shire resident Dot McCaskie said she hoped the visit would bring awareness to places with unusual names.

Scottish Couple Welcomes Third Set Of Twins

Karen and Colin Rodger already had two sets of boys. When Mom got pregnant this time, the thought of more twins crossed her mind, but a doctor said the odds were 500,000 to 1. Now she's given birth to twin girls, and the family tells the Daily Mirror it's shopping for a van.

Movie In The Works For 'Grumpy Cat'

Last year a snapshot of a frowning feline went viral, emblazoned with captions such as: "Of all the 9 lives I've lived, this is the worst." Within months, "Grumpy Cat" had a book deal. Now the feline face that launched a thousand memes has a movie in the works. Turns out Grumpy Cat has a great agent — the same one that represents fellow online star Keyboard Cat.