Book Reviews

Get A 'Grip' On This Goofy Noir Sci-Fi Tale

This reissue of Gilbert Hernandez's series starts out noir — a young man with amnesia and a mysterious lipstick trace — but quickly gets weird. Critic Etelka Lehoczky says it's full of "goofy joy."

For This Nostalgia Trip, 'We Don't Need Roads'

This oral history of the Back to the Future movies offers a wealth of fascinating historical trivia — but critic Genevieve Valentine says it's carefully broad scope can mean a lack of sharp analysis.

A Lyrical Coming Of Age Tale In 'Bird Hill'

Naomi Jackson's first novel follows a pair of Brooklyn sisters sent to live in their mother's small Barbados hometown. Critic Michael Schaub says "it's not a perfect book, but it's a lovely one."