Nest-building isn’t just instinct. Birds can learn from others, letting groups within one species develop their own distinctive nest-building traditions.
A study finds that carrion crows can be taught to count and make vocalizations that indicate the number counted, much in the same way that human toddlers do.
At Bear Divide, just outside Los Angeles, you can see a rare spectacle of nature. This is one of the only places in the western United States where you can see bird migration during daylight hours.
Zebra finches who did not sing every day quickly lose their vocal prowess, a new study finds. The results could potentially shed light on vocal rehabilitation for humans, too.
The eldest grandchild of Nelson Mandela had a busy week — speaking at the climate summit COP28 about the need to aid the Global South and throwing a party to mark the 10th anniversary of his passing.
The water bird was named a conservation organization's Bird of the Century after the Last Week Tonight host took out billboard ads across the globe and hyped the threatened species on his show.
The official naming organization for birds in the U. S. is making a bold move, after concerns were raised about birds being named after people with questionable histories.
The ungainly yet graceful wood stork, which was on the brink of extinction in 1984, has rebounded dramatically in Florida and other Southern states, officials say.