Winston-Salem Police Department officials have decided not to renew their contract with ShotSpotter, a technology that detects gunshots and alerts law enforcement.
The program was launched in August of 2021, partially in response to a 50% rise in homicides that year. Within its first month of full operation, according to the agency, ShotSpotter detected more than 200 rounds of gunfire.
But the technology covered a relatively small portion of the city — some 3 square miles — and at a cost of nearly a quarter million dollars. According to its press release, the police department never budgeted for the service. Now that the Crime Gun Intelligence Center grant period has concluded, the decision was made not to renew the contract.
Moving forward, the Winston-Salem Police Department plans to shift focus to other technologies in an effort to provide enhanced security for the entire community. The ShotSpotter contract will end in September.
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