From picnics to cookouts, food is an integral part of summer gatherings. For some, it's the time to break out grandma's recipe and spend an afternoon in the kitchen, while others crave store bought hot dogs and toppings. We have food on the mind here at WFDD, so in June, We Were Wondering... what are your favorite foods to bring on a picnic? 


"Everyone knows what disappears fastest at outdoor picnics, church-covered dishes and the like: deviled eggs and KFC. Another reliable add-on for me, at any rate, is barbecue."

-Bob B.

"Homemade granola bars are a family favorite! Crunchy, sweet, and easy to customize; they're perfect for a picnic and great for breakfasts too. Here's a recipe to get you started; combine all the ingredients in a baking dish and put it in the freezer for a few hours for a delicious treat!."

-Jay Sauerman, Marketing Manager

3 cups granola

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup honey

1/4 cup melted butter

1 bag chocolate chips

"Fruit cobbler; here’s the cobbler recipe, in my grandmother’s handwriting. It’ll always be a treasure to me. She got this recipe from her sister-in-law (Garnett) and it has been handed down ever since. Margarine was common at the time. I always use butter."

-Molly Davis, Assistant General Manager

hand written crunchy fruit cobbler recipe card

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