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All Things Considered

Weekdays from 4-6:00pm

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Potential Geithner Departure Could Complicate Debt Ceiling Battle

President Obama may go into the next round of fiscal battles without his long-time Treasury Secretary. Tim Geithner reportedly plans to step down in January, even as the Treasury Department is scrambling to avoid cracking the government's debt ceiling. Robert Siegel talks with Scott Horsley about that and other personnel changes as the president prepares for his second term.

Policymakers Planning For A Venezuela After Chavez

Venezuelan officials say their president Hugo Chavez remains in a "delicate" condition in a Havana hospital following his fourth cancer surgery. If Chavez cannot be sworn in to a new presidential term on Jan. 10, a process of selecting a new president will begin. How well prepared is the U.S. government is for a post-Chavez Venezuela?