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Weekdays from 4-6:00pm

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Georgetown University To Offer Slave Descendants Preferential Admissions

When Georgetown University announced they were going to try to make reparations to descendants of slaves held by the university more than a century ago, it raised tough questions for the families who stand to receive the reparations. Georgetown is offering preferential admissions to descendants, but one family with two students applying, have another idea.

Week In Politics: Tillerson On North Korea, Michael Flynn

NPR's Audie Cornish speaks with political commentators David Brooks of The New York Times and E.J. Dionne of The Washington Post and Brookings Institution. They discuss the Trump administration's latest stance on North Korea and the Pentagon's investigation into whether Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn broke the law by receiving money from a foreign source after retiring from the service.

Milwaukee Prosecutors Launch Investigation Into Inmate's Death

Prosecutors in Milwaukee are conducting a probe into a death last year at the county jail. An inmate died of dehydration, after staff allegedly turned off the water to his cell. It's one of four deaths in recent years at the facility, which high-profile Sheriff David Clarke oversees. Although he runs as a Democrat, Clarke is a frequent conservative commentator and served as a surrogate for President Trump on the campaign trail.