A man sleeps in a movie theater.

Boring movie titles may not lure audiences into theaters, but they are luring users on Twitter. The #dullermovies thread challenges tweeters to pick an enticing film title and deflate it. People have come up with must-not-see films such as Ferris Bueller Goes to School and I Speculate On What You Did Last Summer. A couple of our favorites are collected below.

And we invite you to share your #dullermovie titles in the comments.

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A movie's name can help lure an audience into a theater, but what if the name is not enticing? In fact, what if it's boring? Well, there's a thread on Twitter called "duller movies," and it challenges people to pick a film title and then deflate it. For example...

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce."

SIEGEL: Here's another one, a Scandinavian thriller starring a young woman who wants to look tough but still be able to wash off the evidence.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: "The Girl with the Stick-on Tattoo."

SIEGEL: Then there's the duller movie title that transports us to a promised construction project that no one wants to visit.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: "Back to the Future Site of the Vice Presidential Library."

SIEGEL: And how about this, a stirring Steven Spielberg epic of penny-pinching.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: "Saving Private Ryan Money on his Car Insurance."

SIEGEL: And coming to theaters near you no time soon, Raymond Chandler's soft-bitten detective who nods off.


SIEGEL: Then, this summer blockbuster. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's an alloy.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: "Man of Composite Metals."

SIEGEL: Something airline passengers long for in an age of cutbacks.

UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: "Snacks on a Plane."

SIEGEL: And to round out our duller movie title suggestions, a story that James Fennimore Cooper forgot to tell.


UNIDENTIFIED MAN: "The Penultimate Mohican."


SIEGEL: A roundup of duller movies, a hashtag on Twitter. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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