Don't worry, this is a G-rated game. The answers will be people and things with the initials B.S., like "baby shower." Then, VIP Ethan Hawke serenades the winner live on the Ask Me Another stage.

Heard in Episode 401: Puzzlehood

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JONATHAN COULTON, BYLINE: (Singing) I will stop at nothing to say the right things. With election nearing, I trust I can rely on your vote. I go forwards, you go backwards, somewhere we will meet. I go forwards, you go backwards, somewhere we will meet.



Jonathan Coulton. Now we are going to crown this week's grand champion. So let's bring back from "To Be Or Not To Be," Terri Pous.


EISENBERG: From "The Game Room," Meghan Towers.


EISENBERG: From "Rick Rolling," Rachel Bralow.


EISENBERG: And from "Cinema Snacks," Greg Erlandson to play our "Ask Me One More Final Round." And our puzzle guru, John Chaneski, will tell us what's in store for the final round.

JOHN CHANESKI: This round is titled "Load Of BS." Now, before you send the kids out of the room, this is a G-rated game. The answers in this game will be people, places or things that have the initials BS. For example, if I said this singer had won an Oscar for her performance in "Funny Girl," you would say Barbra Streisand. Now, we're playing this spelling bee style, so one wrong answer and you're out. You only have a few seconds to give us an answer. Last person standing is our ASK ME ANOTHER grand winner. And for your prize, Ethan Hawke himself will come on stage and serenade you with a song.


CHANESKI: Here we go. Terri, this legendary rocker from New Jersey was born in the USA.

TERRI POUS: Bruce Springsteen.

CHANESKI: Yes. Meghan, it's a good place to get a haircut or hear a singing quartet.

MEGHAN TOWERS: Barbershop.



CHANESKI: Rachel, it's a party held for an expectant mother.

RACHAEL BRALOW: Baby shower.

CHANESKI: That's correct.


CHANESKI: Craig, this rock is part of an Irish castle, and you kiss it to obtain the gift of eloquence.


CHANESKI: Blarney Stone is right.


CHANESKI: Back to Terri. When something is easy, you emphasize the point by saying it's not this. Three seconds. Terri, step aside. Let's see if Meghan knows the answer. Meghan, if something's easy, you emphasize it by saying it's not this.


CHANESKI: No, that's incorrect. You step aside. Let's see if Rachel knows the answer.

BRALOW: Blanket statement.

CHANESKI: Blanket statement is incorrect. We're going to go to Craig. Craig, when something is easy, you emphasize the point by saying it's not this.

ERLANDSON: Brain surgery?

CHANESKI: Brain Surgery is correct. And Craig, you are our ASK ME ANOTHER winner.


EISENBERG: Just like that, Craig, you have won our ASK ME ANOTHER game for this week. You are our big winner.


EISENBERG: And as your prize, our VIP Ethan Hawke has agreed to serenade you. So congratulations. OK, we're going to do that now.


ETHAN HAWKE: So I'm supposed to serenade you?

ERLANDSON: That's what they say.

HAWKE: Tell me your name again?


HAWKE: Craig.

(Singing) Oh Craig. You're the best. Everyone loves you because you got the answers right. Oh Craig, do you have a rhyme for me? Craig doesn't rhyme with a lot. It's true. Craig, you're the best. We all know it's true. We love your mama and we love you too. She's in the audi - shes in the audience, you know it's true. And when you go home you'll feel kind of blue.


HAWKE: That's all you get, Craig.


ERLANDSON: Not too shabby. Thank you.

HAWKE: I love you baby.

EISENBERG: Craig, how do you feel right now?

ERLANDSON: I mean, how am I supposed to feel? Great. Great.

EISENBERG: How are you supposed to feel?



ERLANDSON: I feel great. I do.

EISENBERG: Congratulations.


HAWKE: Thanks, Craig.

EISENBERG: And that's our show. Thanks for listening. If you would like to be a contestant, find us on Facebook or Twitter. Just look around for NPR ASK ME ANOTHER. And you can be a puzzle player anytime, anyplace by downloading our podcast from iTunes, Stitcher or TuneIn. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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