Wake Forest University

Your Brain... A Social Network?

SciWorks Radio is a production of 88.5 WFDD and SciWorks, the Science Center and Environmental Park of Forsyth County, located in Winston-Salem.  

Human made items tend to be engineered and built. We look at them from a reductionist point of view. For example, a car engine is made up of many parts, but if you remove one part the car isn't going to run. Traditionally we have looked at the human brain with the same point of view; each part has its own specific role and if you damage one part you lose that function. However, Dr. Paul Laurienti from the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology and his team are using what's known as “Complexity Science” to take a different approach.

Are You A Scientist?

SciWorks Radio is a production of 88.5 WFDD and SciWorks, the Science Center and Environmental Park of Forsyth County, located in Winston-Salem.

When you think of a Scientist, who comes to mind? Do you picture someone in the desert with their face to a dusty rock uncovering a dinosaur bone? Maybe you think of the mad-scientist, unhinged and laughing dramatically? 

Boy Meets Girl...

SciWorks Radio is a production of 88.5 WFDD and SciWorks, the Science Center and Environmental Park of Forsyth County, located in Winston-Salem.

What was it that attracted you to your mate? How did they impress you? Humans aren't the only animals that work hard to attract a partner, in fact it happens throughout the animal kingdom. Often it works like this: Boy meets girl, boy hisses, flaps, or rams his horns against another boy to impress girl. Girl either accepts or rejects boy. 

Research Being Done To Counter The Effects Of Aging



SciWorks Radio is a production of 88.5 WFDD and SciWorks, the Science Center and Environmental Park of Forsyth County, located in Winston-Salem.

The process of aging affects everyone, whether it be ourselves or the people we love. Some of us age in good health, while others can succumb to a variety of health problems, the most frightening of which can be the loss of brain function. This week, we speak with Dr. Stephen Kritchevsky, the Director of the Sticht Center on Aging at the Wake Forest School of Medicine, here in Winston Salem, where research is being done to understand and counter the effects of the aging process.