Strange News

Movie In The Works For 'Grumpy Cat'

Last year a snapshot of a frowning feline went viral, emblazoned with captions such as: "Of all the 9 lives I've lived, this is the worst." Within months, "Grumpy Cat" had a book deal. Now the feline face that launched a thousand memes has a movie in the works. Turns out Grumpy Cat has a great agent — the same one that represents fellow online star Keyboard Cat.

Juror In Oregon Held In Contempt For Texting During Trial

A Michigan judge who held himself in contempt when his cellphone went off in the courtroom recently said judges are not above the rules. This week, an Oregon judge showed that jurors aren't above the rules, either. During a trial in Salem, the judge saw a juror's pocket glowing. The juror, who had been texting, was held in contempt and spent the day in jail instead of the courtroom.

Tablet Games Go To The Cats

Touch-screen devices have opened up video gaming to a whole new demographic: cats. Cat-food company Friskies has already made a few tablet games designed specifically for cats to play. One features virtual fish swimming around, taunting kitties to paw at the iPad screen. If you don't believe it, go to YouTube.

British Man Learns Downside To Internet Fame

A 62-year-old man had been on sick leave from work due to stress for the past few months — which is why his employer was surprised to see him wrestling a shark on an Australian beach in a video that went viral. The charity he worked for fired him. In his defense, the man said a doctor had advised him to take a vacation.

Arizona Gator Gets $6,000 Prosthetic Tail

Mr. Stubbs (his tail was bitten off years ago) was taken in by the Phoenix Herpetological Society. There, The Arizona Republic reports, an orthopedic care specialist realized a silicone tail could be designed for him. Now, Mr. Stubbs sports a $6,000 prosthetic.